
We feel healthy and grounded, when we feel connected – to ourselves and to the bigger picture.

In periods of change or crisis, the inner balance can be thrown out of kilter for a moment, as old connections dissolve to make room for the emergence of new ones.

Shiatsu as well as Gestalt therapy can help you to get back in touch with yourself - through presence, mindfulness, acceptance and being in the here & now without expectations.

I’m looking foreward to accompany you on your path!

lic. phil. Alexandra Kinsperger
Swiss state-recognized psychotherapist – ZSR-Nr.: Y728431
Certified Shiatsu therapist (Health Insurance Registered EMR – ZSR-Number: U552763)

SHIATSU touches the soul through the body

Shiatsu promotes self-healing in various chronical and acute symptoms on a physical as well as a psychological level.

The healing method is rooted in traditional far eastern medicine (TCM) and like acupuncture it is based on the meridians as well as the theory of the 5 phases of change.

During treatment, energy imbalances are brought back into balance through gentle pressure, stretching and rotational movements so that a sense of wholeness and deep contact can be restored.
Vital energy (ki) is in a state of flow again.

GESTALT THERAPY touches the soul through holistic understanding

Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that promotes the dissolvement of inner conflicts and therefore the balance of mental and physical health.

The therapy is based on humanistic and existential theories and has its focus on full awareness of the present moment here & now.

«Don’t push the river – it flows by itself» is the motto of the phenomenological approach in Gestalt therapy. Trusting in the organismic self-regulation and focusing on what shows up in the foreground, renewal can happen.

«Change occurs. If we dive deeply into what we are, if we accept, what there is, change occurs. This is the paradoxical theory of change.»

Fritz Pearls, founder of Gestalt therapy

By becoming aware of the so-called "open gestalts" - patterns that used to protect us but have now become, at best, obstacles to our development - these can be worked on in Gestalt therapy through various techniques (work with the inner child, ego-state work, imagination, mindfulness, body awareness, genogram work, trauma work) in such a way that experience and behavior, that are beneficial for development, can be learned and internalized.

By sharpening the senses with the support of mindfulness-based techniques, we increase the ability to classify what we feel. If mind and body are consciously perceived, they can be brought back into harmony and "flow" naturally.
In this way, old paths can be walked more consciously or new ones can be courageously pursued.

During counseling, I focus my trained senses in such a way that in the contact between me and the client a relevant gestalt/pattern comes to the fore which can be processed.


As a clinical psychologist who has worked in the psychosomatic field for a long time, I am used to thinking in a Western scientific-abstract way. At the same time, I have always been fascinated by the eastern mystical-holistic philosophies and religions.

My therapeutic work allows me to combine spiritual-energetic and physical-manifest forces.

The foundation of my therapeutic work lies in authenticity, openness and transparency. As a Gestalt therapist I work according to a holistic, integrative approach and use different therapy and counseling methods depending on the individual question and revealed issues (such as anxiety, depressive symptoms, self-esteem and relationship problem, eating or sleeping disorders).

We are always there with everything we are, what we have experienced and what has shaped us.

«On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.»

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

With the heart we see everything.

Intervision and supervision
In my therapeutic work a high professional level is of great concern for me. Therefore, I am in continuous professional exchange with colleagues, orientate myself on current scientific findings and am supervised by experienced psycho- and shiatsu therapists.

Federation of Swiss psychologists (FSP)

Cantonal association of Zurich psychologists (ZUEPP)
Swiss Health Insurance Register (EMR)
Swiss Shiatsu Association (SGS)

I keep my own (self-)awareness alive through my continuing education, personal experience, meditation, yoga, interest in art, culture and politics as well as in exchange with friends and family.

Gestaltarbeit & Shiatsu

MINDFULNESS COURSE – Self-awareness through Gestalt therapy

This course is for people who would like to nurture and expand their self-awareness through self-perception and mindfulness within a group.

Sometimes, it seems clear and simple from the outside, but for oneself it might still remain complex and hidden.
Interacting within a group may shed light on one’s blind spots and the subconscious.
Becoming more self-aware through Gestalt therapy means not only to focus on what there is inside, but also to find a way to express it within the group and to make it physically perceptible and noticeable for oneself and for one’s social environment.

Instructors: Alexandra Kinsperger, Gestalt- & Shiatsu Therapist and Patrick Breitenstein, Gestalttherapist
When: Every second Monday 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Sessions 2024: 13-05 / 27-05 / 10-06 / 24-06 / 08-07 / 02-09 / 16-09 / 30-09 / 21-10 / 04-11 / 18-11 / 02-12 / 16-12
Where: Praxis Bederhof
Cost: 325.– (5 group sessions)
Registration: info@kinsperger.ch or +41 78 717 35 22



Shiatsu according to Tarif590: CHF 120.-/h
Gestalt therapy/psychotherapy: between CHF 150.-/h (according to TarMED) and CHF 170.-/h

Shiatsu as well as Gestalt therapy can on their own or in combination accompany through personal processes and/or support you in health, illness or transition (prevention, rehabilitation).

Depending on individual concerns and medical indication, the therapy costs of both healing methods can fully or partially be covered by your health insurance varying on your state of health and insurance contract.

Consultations are generally binding. Sessions that cannot be complied with have to be postponed or cancelled before 24 hours for not being charged.


Praxis Bederhof
lic. phil. A. Kinsperger
Shiatsu & Gestalt Therapy
Bederstrasse 80
8002 Zürich
+41 78 717 35 22

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Public transport: Train to Zurich Enge, Tram (13/17) stop Waffenplatzstrasse or Bahnhof Enge
Car: There are parking lots close by.